Best Practices

This following information is intended for Tulane faculty and staff who manage graduate programs.

Letters of Graduate Admission Templates

Below are templates for writing admission letters to new, incoming students.  Complete the appropriate letter (with or without financial aid) as indicated in each template according to the details of the graduate program.

Letter without Financial Support in Word and pdf

Letter with Financial Support in Word and pdf


Graduate Program Handbook Template

Below is a template for a graduate program handbook. The sections of a handbook that are applicable to all graduate programs are provided in the template.  Graduate program personnel complete the remaining sections of the handbook according to the policies and practices of each degree program.

Handbook in Word and pdf


Graduate Research Assistant Annual Evaluation Form

Evaluate a Graduate Assistant's performance by completing the following form. 

Evaluation in Word and pdf


Graduate Program Assessment

Below are links related to graduate program assessment.  Contact Jessica Shedd, Assistant Provost for Assessment and Institutional Research, or visit the Office of Assessment for Institutional Research for further information.

Assessment Plan Information and Template

Assessment Rubric

Assessing Graduate Programs (Presentation made to the LA Council of Graduate Deans)

Assessment Resources