Incoming Graduate Students

Bienvenue to all incoming graduate students! As you start planning your transition to Tulane University, the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has compiled this page to assist in the transition to graduate life in New Orleans. Read this page carefully to find resources, deadlines, and other tips for a successful start to your career as a graduate student.


The summer before your first semester, OGPS will launch a Canvas Orientation course for students to familiarize themselves with Tulane offerings. This online, asynchronous orientation course includes topics such as: Student Health Services, Title IX, Emergency Preparedness, Plagiarism and the Honor Code, the Graduate Studies Student Association and Graduate and Professional Student Association, Career Advising, Student Services, and Library Services. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to other incoming graduate students and begin fostering connections among their peers. 

In conjunction with the online Canvas course, OGPS hosts a new student orientation in August for all the incoming graduate students to get acquainted with our office and the greater Tulane community. This in-person event is designed to orient new Masters and PhD students on the contacts, offices, and resources on campus that will make their time as a graduate student at Tulane as successful as can be. 

Once you have received your Tulane ID number, you will be able to register for classes through the Gibson portal. You may use the online Schedule of Classes Planner feature to plan your class schedule. Your department Director of Graduate Studies or departmental advisor should have contacted you, or will be contacting you by mid-July, with information about classes. You may also use Degree Works, a degree planning and audit tool, available on Gibson Online to help you select courses that apply to your program. Be sure to select course selections that are open and have no time conflicts. 

In partnership with the Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT), OGPS hosts a new Teaching Assistant orientation where students can learn best practices in keeping students engaged and active through their course. 

Tulane Concerns

Tulane concerns/concerns reports is Tulane’s centralized system to report fellow students, faculty members, or coworkers. Reports can be about inappropriate behavior or concern for their wellbeing. Concerns reports can be anonymous or named. Make sure to include as much detail as possible.

- For suspected hazing call 504-420-3111 


Title IX

Tulane’s Title IX office is dedicated to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct rapidly and effectively. Filing either a concerns report or filing a formal complaint directly to the Title IX office is the best way to make a report. 

- Marcus Foster is the point of contact:, or 504-865-5611 


- (Video about Title IX at Tulane)

Goldman Center

The Goldman Center for Student Accessibility works with students to provide accessible and inclusive housing, dining, and academic environments. The Goldman Testing Center is where students with accommodations may take exams. TAs will have to bring exams to the center and pick them back up for grading, but the center will proctor exams. Located in the Howard Tilton Memorial Library B25, the testing center is open 8:30-5 M-F




FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is a federal law that gives students access to their educational records. This allows students to look over and gives them the opportunity to ask the schools to correct records if they deem it necessary. Students have the right to see their educational record within 45 days of requesting it. 


Student Affairs

Located in the LBC (G03), the Division of Student Affairs has 15 different departments dedicated to meeting the needs of students. From housing to student conduct, there is support for students no matter their concern. 



The Well

Located inside the health center uptown (third floor corner of Newcomb and Willow) or downtown (127 Elk Place #261), the Well for Health Promotion provides students with resources, programs and services to enhance their wellbeing. With focus areas from mental health, alcohol/drug use, and sexual health, the Well aims to enhance the health of Tulane students. 

- or 504-314-7400


Academic Learning + Tutoring Center

The ALTC provides completely free one-on-one tutoring for STEM, business, and language courses, as well as writing. The ALTC is comprised of a math center, language learning studio, writing center, and peer tutoring. In person appointments are in the learning studio in B01 of Howard Tilton Memorial Library. World language drop ins are in Newcomb Hall 408. Public Health appointments can be made downtown in Tidewater 2460. Appointments are made via Penji. 




Carolyn Barber-Pierre Center for Intercultural Life

The Carolyn Barber-Pierre Center for Intercultural Life is made up of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Office for Gender and Sexual Diversity, and the Office of Spiritual Life. All these divisions work together to provide students with advocacy services, mentoring, and support for underrepresented students. This includes inclusive spaces/programs for BIPOC and QT communities, a multitude of organizations, and cultural, social, and academic programming. Located in Richardson Building #101. 



Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Tulane’s Center for Engaged Learning and Teaching (CELT) is a key resource dedicated to promote excellence in teaching. CELT has workshops helpful for TAs about how to effectively communicate and teach students. CELT also offers peer observations, one-on-one consultations, and a 3 semester pedagogy program. Teach Anywhere office hours are offered on zoom for those interested in working on course content. This is especially important for those thinking about entering academia after graduate school or those who are interested in teaching. 




Louisiana law requires ALL entering college students to have up-to-date immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus. All incoming students must comply with the immunization program and provide evidence of compliance with the state guidelines for immunizations by uploading the required immunization form by July 15th, if possible. The immunization form, information about required immunizations, and brief instructions on how to upload the form are on the Tulane Campus Health immunizations website here