Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Funding

Tulane's Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS) awards a limited number of travel grants for postdoctoral fellows to present at professional conferences. All postdoctoral fellows based at Tulane are eligible to apply; fellows are eligible for one award per semester. 

Grants are a maximum of $500 for domestic travel and $1000 for international travel. 

Preference is given to applicants presenting a paper, but those presenting posters or participating as a discussant at a conference, biennale, or arts festival may also apply. 

Requests for funds must be received before travel is initiated. Eligible travel costs include airfare, conference registration, hotel, meals, and local transportation expenses (parking, taxi, rental car, train pass etc.). Airfare must be booked through the Concur Travel Module.

Application Materials

Please complete all elements of the Travel Grant Application below and email to In the body of the email, please include your department, the name and location of the conference, and your dates of travel:

  • A completed budget and personal statement (Please use this template. As of February 2025, OGPS is aware that the form does not allow to select multiple bubbles, and we are addressing this issue. We currently working on fixing this form and will upload a new one soon for the fall cycle). 
  • A copy of the notification of acceptance to present or serve as session chair or discussant. (If notification is pending, an application should still be submitted by the deadline.)
  • A one-page CV.
  • Please merge it all in one PDF and email your application by the deadline to


Applications are accepted three times per year.

  • July 15 for travel in the fall (September through December)
  • November 15 for travel in the spring (January through April)
  • March 15 for travel in the summer (May through August)

Applications should be submitted in the webform by 5:00 p.m. on the due date. Awards will be announced by e-mail approximately two weeks after the deadline.

Note that an application should be submitted by the appropriate deadline even if acceptance notification is pending. In this case, OGPS can make a conditional grant contingent upon receipt of notification. If the paper/poster is not accepted, the grant will be withdrawn.

Review Criteria

Applications are reviewed using the following criteria:

Event Visibility & Impact - 50%
Has the paper or poster been accepted at the event, or is the applicant serving as a discussant?
What is the significance or professional impact of this event

Professional Development - 25%
Has the postdoc ever presented at a national or international event before?
How will this event benefit the postdoc's professional development?
What is the likelihood that this event will benefit the postdoc's research?

Budget - 25%
Are the estimated expenses reasonable?
Are matching funds available?


Travel grants are disbursed on a reimbursement basis to the awardee. Keep all receipts from your trip and submit them to OGPS within two weeks of completing travel.

Meal receipts must be itemized; credit card receipts for meals are not sufficient. If OGPS is paying for your airfare, submit your boarding passes and your flight itinerary. If OGPS is not paying for your airfare, submit your flight itinerary as proof of travel. OGPS grants do not cover travel insurance or the purchase of alcohol, whether consumed with a meal or not. Please combine all receipts into one single PDF document for submission.

Submit receipts to OGPS at You may process the reimbursements in Concur yourself (please reach out for the appropriate account numbers): this will typically be the quickest way to be reimbursed. A staff member from OGPS can also complete the reimbursement for you in Concur, but it is subject to staff availability.